—   For Friends of Dr. Darrell Wolfe, Ac, PhD, DNM  —
Everything You Need to Know About
Packed into a powerful 3-day event that you can watch FREE on your computer or mobile device.

Coming Soon

40 Top Doctors, Scientists,

Researchers, Clinicians, and Natural Health Experts from Around the World

Ty & Charlene Bollinger

Your Hosts and Founders of The Truth About Cancer
Numbers don't lie. 1 out of 2 people alive today WILL get cancer. Let's fix that.
During this Powerful 3-Day Event, You'll Discover...
How To Heal Cancer Naturally
Dr. Darrell Wolfe, Ac, PhD, DNM presents a lecture on “Creating the Perfect Day!”.
How to Maintain Medical Freedom
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will discuss vaccine safety and how to maintain our freedom of choice and avoid mandatory vaccines.
Real Evidence and Real Results
Every presentation backed up with patient case studies, scientific data, peer-reviewed literature and real results.
💥 3 days + 40 experts + YOU = one AMAZING event! 💥
Register now to be informed of our next events.
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