“The medical system of drugging people and carving them up is done! There's no way they can perpetuate the lies any more. TTAC's 'Quest for the Cures' sheds the light of truth on these myths. Watch it! It may save your life.”

– Billy DeMoss - Dead Chiropractors Society Founder

Discover The TRUTH About Cancer® — Quest for The Cures [FINAL CHAPTER] — This 9-Day Event Could Save Your Life!


Although the Broadcast has ended, sign up below to be first in line to watch when it airs again. Enter your name and email below to sign up to watch the Broadcast. Starts March 29, 2023

150 Doctors, Scientists & Survivors From 25 Countries UNITE to End CANCER!

In each episode of [FINAL CHAPTER], a brand new international panel of doctors, scientists, researchers and cancer survivors – reveal revolutionary cancer preventatives… therapies… and life-saving treatments that can protect you and your loved ones from cancer.

Dr. Judy Mikovits

Molecular Biologist / Whistleblower

Mike Adams

Independent Journalist & Researcher

Del Bigtree

Host of “The Highwire” & Founder of ICAN

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Environmental Attorney & Author

Dr. Andrew Wakefield

Physician & Film Producer

Dr. Billy DeMoss

Dr. Edward Group

Founder of Global Healing

Robert Scott Bell

Author, Lecturer, & Syndicated Host of the “Robert Scott Bell Show”

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Physician, Author, Lecturer, Consultant, And Vaccine Expert

G Edward Griffin

Author, Lecturer,
and Filmmaker

David Avocado Wolfe

Natural Health Pioneer, Medicinal Mushroom Hunter & Detox Expert

Dr. Daniel Nuzum

Phd Naturopathic Medicine Indigenous Medicine and Osteopathic Physical Medicine

Cherie Calbom

The "Juice Lady"

Dr. Patrick Quillin

Author, Lecturer, And Nutritional Expert

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, MD

Scientist and Biochemist

Dr. Terry Harmon

Holistic Chiropractor & Member of US Wellness Advisory Council

Jeffrey Smith

Filmmaker, Researcher, World Renowned Gmo Expert, and Lecturer

Dr. Matthias Rath, M.D.

Founder of Dr. Rath Research Institute (Netherlands)

Dr. Brian Hooker

Chief Scientific Officer for Children’s Health Defense

Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D.

Pediatrician, Standing For Love, Truth & Freedom

Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat, M.D.

Author, Holistic Physician & Surgeon

Dr. Irvin Sahni, M.D.

Lecturer and Scientist

Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Ph.D

Director of Research - Dr. Rath Research Institute (Netherlands)

And Many More!

Broadcast Schedule
Starts Wednesday, March 29th at 9 PM Eastern

EpisodeEp 1 3/29
The Sordid History of the Cancer Cartel: A Century of Suppression & Censorship
EpisodeEp 2 3/30
Why You Get Cancer: Do You Have "Bad Genes"? Do Vaccines Cause Cancer?
EpisodeEp 3 3/31
Affordable Treatments, The Anti-Cancer Diet, Healing Herbs & "Defensive Eating"
EpisodeEp 4 4/1
Heal Your Heart & Beat Cancer with Laughter, Music, Homeopathy, Frequency & Light
EpisodeEp 5 4/2
Cancer-Fighting Plants, Herbs & Spices from God's Pharmacy & Nature’s Medicine Chest
EpisodeEp 6 4/3
How to Detox, Healing w/ Heat, Hidden Hazards, Halogens & Hormone-Driven Cancer
EpisodeEp 7 4/4
Juicing Essentials; Ketosis Facts & Fictions; The Importance of Oxygen & Pet Cancer ABC’s
EpisodeEp 8 4/5
Nature's Liquid Elixirs; Cancer Diagnostics, Oral Health, Essential Oils & Healing Skin Cancer
EpisodeEp 9 4/6
How to Survive & Thrive; Cancer Conquerors Share Personal Stories of Inspiration & Hope

Episode #1 Starts in....

Charlene & Ty Bollinger are founders of The Truth About Cancer®. After losing several family members to cancer (including Ty’s mother and father), they refused to accept the notion that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients.

They began a quest to learn all they possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry. What they uncovered was shocking. There is ample evidence to support the allegation that the “war on cancer” is largely a fraud and that multinational pharmaceutical companies are “running the show.”

Quest For The Cures [FINAL CHAPTER] is their latest endeavour in an effort uncover the truth and spare millions of fathers… mothers… sons… and daughters from ever enduring the heavy loss of a loved one to cancer.

Click Here to Sign up to Be First Inline to Watch!